Choose the right cleaning products by using a specialized advisor

You need cleaning products, but you don't know which ones to choose? Use a specialized advisor. Attentive to your expectations and needs, this expert will help you make the right choices in terms of strippers, degreasers, descales adapted to your dishes, sanitary facilities, etc.

A valuable guide knowing the criteria for choosing these products

Green cleaning products are increasingly popular and recommended because they are safe for the health of the user and the environment. However, other criteria must be considered before choosing the products adapted to your needs. To be sure to choose the one that is right for you, it is best to consult a specialized advisor. Before helping you make your choice, this professional will find out about the use and purpose of the products you are looking for. If you want to save money, she can advise you on the multi-purpose products that, as their name suggests, are used to shine your furniture, clean floors, sanitary facilities and strip kitchen utensils. Recommended by many specialists, these detergents are effective. Some disinfectants and detergents can cause a skin reaction or present real risks of inhalation intoxication. In order to avoid these choices, the expert guides you towards detergents with reliable labels such as Nature and Progress, Ecocert, European Ecolabel or NF Environment. The website offers you various natural detergents as well as organic cosmetics adapted to your health. An ecological detergent professional or a cosmetics consultant will guide you towards the products that best meet your expectations.

Opt for natural detergents

Usually, experts will advise you to use detergents of natural origin rather than disinfectants. Indeed, this type of detergent is labelled, renewable and easily degradable in the environment. In addition, they provide easy-to-understand operating instructions. In addition, sometimes compared to antibiotics, disinfectants are only useful if your equipment is exposed to a significant bacteriological or viral risk. In this particular case, it is necessary to disinfect. However, if this is not the case, specialist advisers advise against the use of this type of high-powered household element, such as bleach, which is harmful to health and the environment. Thus, to protect you from allergic reactions, burns, cracks, redness, etc., professionals will refer you to ecological cleaning products. They do not pose any risk to your health or the environment. They will also recommend that you use these products regularly in the doses prescribed by the manufacturers.

The role of the specialized advisor

Knowing each of these products inside out, the sales consultant knows how to present and describe them. It can be used in stores, supermarkets or at home. When it organizes door-to-door sales, it makes direct sales. In this case, it is autonomous and manages customer orders and deliveries. It is she who organizes her schedule according to the sales objectives she has set for herself. Open-minded and endowed with a keen sense of human relations, this professional knows how to build customer loyalty. She is polite, persuasive, courteous and resistant to stress. An expert in a field, such as cleaning products, she knows how to target her customers and easily creates a network. Also known as a facilitator or salesperson, this expert has trade skills. Listening to the customer, she can guide him in his purchases. To successfully carry out her mission, she has followed a training course and may hold a Bac pro en vente or a BTS NRC or a BTS NRC or Negotiation and Customer Relations.
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