Bloggers of the South

It's the little buzz of the week on the Marseille web, a community of bloggers from the south has emerged. Bloggers who have decided to make the bloggo made in Marseille move.

What are Southern Bloggers?

A cult? A militia? A group of people? None of that, my pretty ones, just a bunch of friends who are passionate about fashion and who love life!!!! It's my team, little girls who blog nicely, sharing their daily lives, with a feather made in the south, and especially a communicative good mood.

Who are the Southern Bloggers?

There are 5 of us, but you already know us in good and proper form. There is Amélie, editor of the So girly Blog, Manon C'est quoi la mode, Maria of the Dev'heel boudoir blog, and Manon Anyway, and myself ^^^ All this beautiful people share a double passion, fashion and Marseille, more precisely the south, and this art of living, creating, moving, characteristic of the Mediterranean coast.

Bloggers of the South Why?

Because we want to move the south, and Marseille through various projects, because blogging among girlfriends is great, and because sharing and exchanging with you is our driving force. Because together we want to bring you together both on the web and in real life. The goal of this community of fashion bloggers which is, I hope, destined to grow is to offer you knew contests 100% made in the South, to meet you live during events such as the vide dressing room this Saturday, or a sports day, in short to take you with us to our Marseille, in our South and share our secret addresses and our fashion tips 😉 To find out more, I invite you to visit our Facebook Bloggers of the South page, to follow the news of the coming weeks and specially to participate in the first competitions! Stay tuned.
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